Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Photo-A-Day February - Days 4, 5, 6, and 7


As Britney would say, 'oops, I did it again'...

Sorry, I've been M.I.A. for the past few days. I HAVE been keeping up with my photos though ~ I just didn't have any time to post them.

Here we go-

Day 4: Something You Wore-
Saturday I went to a make-shift 10 year HS reuinion (hence the '02' hands)
Day 5: Makes You Smile-
Even when I'm having a horrible day, these 2 pups make me smile <3 Charlie & Daisy<3
Day 6: Favourite-
My Fave tattoo that I have. I love the colors and detail.
Day 7: Your Sky-
Taken while driving
Now onto the Instagram Photo-A-Day catch up!

Day 4: A Stranger-
I felt like such a creeper at barnes & noble
Day 5: 10am-
I just barely caught this one with minutes to spare

Day 6: Dinner-
baked ziti and broccoli with salad

Day 7: Button-
the button on my boot

Friday, February 3, 2012

Photo-A-Day February - Day 3

Day 3: Something You Adore-

What I adore, more than anything in this world, is my family and friends:

and my Instagram Photo-A-Day- Day 3: Hands-

Good night!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Photo-A-Day February- Day 2

Day 2: Breakfast-

Today's breakfast consisted of a coffee and bowl of golden grahams with fresh berries, before work...and some fresh cantaloupe and a second coffee while at my desk.

I typically eat my breakfast in stages, that way I can usually skip my lunch.

I've also decided to do the Instagram Feb Photo-A-Day;

So here's Day 1 & Day 2 of that:

Day 1: Your View Today - unfortunately this is my 'view' 5 days a week.
Day 2: Words - A quote that I have tattooed on my left side ribs: " Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today" ~James Dean

Check back tomorrow for more photo fun!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo-A-Day February - Day 1

Hello all!

I've decided to try and push myself to blog more....therefore, to ease my way back into it I'm going to do the February Photo-A-Day Challenge.....but not the one everyone else is doing....I'm going to do January's P-A-D-C but in February. 'Why?" You ask, because I feel like it ;)

So here's the list:

I've decided to cross out 2 of the days since February is only 29 days...
I chose to disregard #4-Letterbox, because it refers to a photographic technique that I do not know how to do: About Letterbox Technique
I also chose to get rid of #16-Morning, because it's included in this first post.

Ok, here we go!
 Day One: You (Me)-
on the left is me when I wake up in the morning, and on the right is after I've beautified...
what a difference some makeup can do lol

That's all for tonight. Check back tomorrow for Day 2- Breakfast

Good night!

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