Monday, November 7, 2011

Pre-Halloween Storm

I know that this is original post about our strange weather was on the night that the storm hit, and obviously before we lost power.

I'm finally posting some pictures from that night and the next day.
Here's the story for the snow pictures:
My love works late every night, he got home a bit early because of the storm. As sonn as he walked in the door the power went out.....but then came back on. He said that we should get bundled up and go for a walk to see all the down trees.
We ate the chili that I made, then got dressed for our little adventure.

My oh my was there a lot of bent trees and down lines:

trying to keep warm with no heat
So much damage
I love that Chris thinks of random things (like taking a walk during a storm).  It was so peaceful that night. No lights from any houses, no cars on the road, no one outside... just the light of the moon reflecting off of the snow, and the only sounds were that of cracking tree branches. It was sort of magical.

Well that's all for now, hope you all have a great night!


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