My name is Victoria Rose, and I married the love of my life on our 11 year anniversary, July 28, 2012. I'm a creative, caring, and quite busy person. Nothing makes me happier than my family and friends. I don't have life quite figured out, but hey, who really does? If you're interested you can take a peek at my life. Enjoy~
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Weekend Wrap Up
Hello Lovelies!
This weekend was a good one...busy as usual...but good.
On Saturday I went to my mother's to sort through some Christmas stuff. After that was done we headed to WalMart and spent about an hour and a half just looking at decorations! lol We are suckers for Christmas decor.
We ended up buys a few things and then headed back to her house. When we got there we made some hot coco and watched Claymation used to play on TV every year when I was little but it doesn't play anymore. My sister Lori-Anne found it on DVD for me last year. It brings back fond memories:
This weekend was a good one...busy as usual...but good.
On Saturday I went to my mother's to sort through some Christmas stuff. After that was done we headed to WalMart and spent about an hour and a half just looking at decorations! lol We are suckers for Christmas decor.
We ended up buys a few things and then headed back to her house. When we got there we made some hot coco and watched Claymation used to play on TV every year when I was little but it doesn't play anymore. My sister Lori-Anne found it on DVD for me last year. It brings back fond memories:
Sunday was a extended family day. The in-laws took all of us 'kids' to The Hanover Theatre to see their production of The Nutcracker.
It was a good time, minus a few hiccups...the future hubby was not too thrilled about seeing a ballet, so I lost my patience with him.
After the show we were taken to an Dino's {an Italian restaraunt} and it was super yummy! The portions were HUMUNGOUS!
By the time we got home it was around 6pm and there was a special pakage waiting for me at our door. My sister Jill left our Christmas village for me. This is another thing that has a lot of sentimentality to it. We all {Mom, Dad, Sisters} painted pieces to the village while growing up - and we set it up every year.
Chris and I decided to go drop the package off at Mom's and then head to WalMart for some other things that we needed. Then we came home and watched Dexter, and Walking Dead.
What did all of you do this weekend?
Hope you have a good night!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Fun Fact Friday~ Saturday Edition
Hello All!
I'm pleased to say that I am feeling a bit better today~still not 100%~but better none the less.
This weeks F3 is about hair.
'What about hair?' You ask?
Well, I went to hair school back when I first graduated high school. I don't follow it as a career path, but I do cut and style friends and family members hair if they ask.
I also color, cut, and style my own hair because I can't justify spending money to have someone else do what I can do for free.
I was in serious need of a color and trim, so I took some pictures along the way:
I'm pleased to say that I am feeling a bit better today~still not 100%~but better none the less.
This weeks F3 is about hair.
'What about hair?' You ask?
Well, I went to hair school back when I first graduated high school. I don't follow it as a career path, but I do cut and style friends and family members hair if they ask.
I also color, cut, and style my own hair because I can't justify spending money to have someone else do what I can do for free.
I was in serious need of a color and trim, so I took some pictures along the way:
My natural hair and color- yuck
I know that store bought color is so bad for your hair, but hey, it's convenient. I like to use the Feria line, they always provide a nice rich color. I used to use Feria 'Black Leather' because it was a more natural black (with brown undertones) ~ But now I really like the 'Starry Night', it has a slight blue undertone to it.
Whenever you're using a dark color it's important to put some sort of barrier between your hairline and the color. The darker pigments tend to stain your skin if it makes contact. I like to use a styling wax or even a cheap gel. I rub it all the way around my hairline, on the tops of my ears, and I put it around my eyebrows because I color those as well.
Oops! Got some on my skin anyways! lol ~ No problem though, I've found that if you take some nail polish remover on a wash cloth and rub the colored skin it will come right out.
For the eye brows- The color only lasts a couple weeks on them, so once it fades I resort to coloring them in with eyeliner. {see pictures above}
Once I'm done with the brows I let the color process for a bit longer that the recommended time. It's ok to do this with boxed color {NOT BLEACHES} because the color stops processing after a certain point in time. With Lightener, however; they do not stop processing...only lighten hair as directed.
So fresh and so clean with all the product washed out. Now I'm ready for the cut.
I just do a simple layering to my hair. I take all of the hair about an inch up {I leave the length because I'm growing it out} and I pull all the rest of the hair up. I cut the first layer at whatever length I I took about an inch. Then I take the section above the one I just cut, and cut it a little shorter. I continue to do sections like this all the way to the crown of my head {cutting a little shorter each time}. This results in a layered look.
Bang time~ It can be pretty tricky to cut your own bangs...I've butchered mine a few times!
Finished product! Not too shabby, huh?
Hopefully some of you found this at least a bit helpful.
I'm off to spend time with my mom, and then I'm going to see the Nutcracker with the extended family tomorrow!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Hi guys! Sorry about this, but due to some truly terrible abdominal pains today's "Fun Fact Friday" is going to be post-poned until tomorrow morning.
Hopefully I'll feel better by then.
Hope you all have a good night.
Hopefully I'll feel better by then.
Hope you all have a good night.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thankful Thursday~Thanksgiving
Hello Lovelies!
I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family, friends, love, and memories!
I had a lovely day~ great food, great laughs, and even a dance game thrown into the mix.
My contibution to dinner conisted of 10lbs of mashed potatos (which came out soooo yummy) and 2 pies (also yummy).
Here are some pictures of the pie process:
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{Apple Pie} & {Cranberry Apple Pie} |
Love the little signs that I made for the pies too.
Well, I'm pretty tired and I have to get up for work tomorrow.
I hope that you all had as nice of a day as I did.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Weekend Wrap Up
Hello All!
Can you believe that Monday is already over?
How was every one's weekend? Do anything exciting?
I ran errands with my Mom all day on Saturday and we had a great time browsing in stores.
We went to Target to look around and I found an amazing pea coat, a cute purple dress, and a purple sweater.
I found some cool Christmas tins to use for gift baskets too.
On Sunday after breakfast I went to the mall to make a payment on our wedding you know I had to poke into Forever 21 to see if anything was on sale. I found a cute red belted dress for just $13! I also picked up two new pairs of dressy leggings (one black, one purple).
Can you believe that Monday is already over?
How was every one's weekend? Do anything exciting?
I ran errands with my Mom all day on Saturday and we had a great time browsing in stores.
We went to Target to look around and I found an amazing pea coat, a cute purple dress, and a purple sweater.
I found some cool Christmas tins to use for gift baskets too.
On Sunday after breakfast I went to the mall to make a payment on our wedding you know I had to poke into Forever 21 to see if anything was on sale. I found a cute red belted dress for just $13! I also picked up two new pairs of dressy leggings (one black, one purple).
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{Purple Dress & Pea coat: Target}{Red Dress: Forever 21} |
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{Mom bought Chris the Yoda ornament, and I got him R2D2} |
hmmm, what else? Oh!
All weekend this song has been in my head~It's beautiful.
Well I suppose that's all for now. I'm super excited for tomorrow after work- I'm going with a bunch of lovely ladies to see Twilight Breaking Dawn part 1! Yippee! {Is it sad that I'm this excited?} Probably! But I don't care lol.
Good night!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Just for Fun
Happy Sunday All!
Just a fun little post for tonight~ I got this from: {thewiegands}
I am weird because...
I hate when I can hear other people chewing.
I have my own language that Chris and I talk in.
I refuse to pay for haircuts / styling because I can do it on my own.
I am deathly afraid of spiders.
I could eat soup or burgers every day.
I love chewy, sour candy.
For some unknown reason I feel the need to leave a little bit of my drink in the glass (and not finish it) I have no clue why I do it.
For some unknown reason I feel the need to leave a little bit of my drink in the glass (and not finish it) I have no clue why I do it.
I am a bad friend because...
I tend to overbook my weekends.
Most of the time I'd rather stay home and be cozy with my pups and my babe and watch a movie.
I am a good friend because...
I would do anything for any of my best friends, whenever they ask.
I want nothing but the best for my friends.
I am a loyal and trustworthy friend.
I am a good listener.
I am sad because...
I can't please everyone no matter how hard you try.
I never seem to have enough money.
I want my own place so badly.
I am happy because...
My wedding planning is coming along nicely.
I have the best friends and family anyone could ask for.
I'm madly in love.
I am excited for...
The Nutcracker with my love, my bro and sis-in-law, and the 'rents-in-law.
Decorating for Christmas.
The Boston Pops Christmas show with one of my besties.
Christmas-Eve and Christmas at my moms and the in-laws.
Comfy snuggle time with my loves and hot coco.
Comfy snuggle time with my loves and hot coco.
Crafty-time with friends.
Well, that's all for now...I hope you all had a nice sunday. Stop bye tomorrow for my Weekend Wrap up!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Fun Fact Friday
Happy Friday Everyone!
This weeks F3 is about one of my hobbies.
I study Shotokan Karate at MassDojo and I love it. Chris got me into it two years ago.
I've participated in two first competition was in 2009. I only participated in the Kata category...I placed second and received a silver medal:
In fall 2010 I participated in my second tournament. This time I competed in both Kata and Kumite, and I placed first in both categories earning two gold medals:
This weeks F3 is about one of my hobbies.
I study Shotokan Karate at MassDojo and I love it. Chris got me into it two years ago.
I've participated in two first competition was in 2009. I only participated in the Kata category...I placed second and received a silver medal:
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2009 Tournament with Chris |
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2010 Kata |
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2010 Medals |
Clearly I've lost quite a bit of weight since taking up the sport.
In March 2011 I earned my green belt:
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Green Belt Test |
I haven't been to class in quite some time, and that makes me sad. I used to look forward to the challenge of class, and I used to feel great after a tough test.
I need to get back to is ASAP.
Now you know a little more about me~
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thankful Thursday
Hello Lovelies~
Today TT Post is not profound or deep in any way...
Today I am thankful that I have a date to go see Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1!
It's true...I'm a Twilight fan...I resisted the Twi-madness for so long. Eventually I decided to read the books because so many people said that they were good.
I bought the first book with skepticism and ended up finishing it within a week! I ended up reading all four books within a month and a half.
Of course once I finished the books I felt the need to see the movies also.
So needless to say, I'm super excited to see T:BDP1....Problem was that none of my girlfriends like Twilight.....except for the lovely miss Kara that is!
Kara and her friend Jess are being kind enough to let me join them when they go to the movies next week- YAY!
That's all for tonight~ Hope everyone has a happy Friday tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Weekend Wrap Up
I hope that everyone had a great weekend...mine was pretty busy.
Saturday I went to my moms and made some jewelry for a craft show that's coming up.
An added bonus was that I got to see my handsome nephew:
Mom and I also headed out to The Christmas Tree Shop to browse. I love that place, you can find some great stuff.....for instance, you could find your WEDDING CENTERPIECES!
What do you think? I love them- I wasn't even looking for centerpieces...they just popped out at me.

I hope that everyone had a great weekend...mine was pretty busy.
Friday Chris got home super early, so it was nice to spend the night hanging out for a change.
An added bonus was that I got to see my handsome nephew:
Mom and I also headed out to The Christmas Tree Shop to browse. I love that place, you can find some great stuff.....for instance, you could find your WEDDING CENTERPIECES!
Yup! That's right folks, we now have our centerpieces and I'm SO excited!
Only $7.99 + 20% off! |
We also found our flower girl baskets~ I'm going to spruce them up in a creative way, but I'm leaving them the natural wood color. I love the look of unpainted wood.
only $3! |
After our successful voyage we were pretty hungry ~ so we stopped and picked up some Chinese food (YUM!)
Sunday was great ~ It was my friend Cecilia's baby shower. I'm so excited to meet that little girl once she arrives! She's due December 22....I'm convinced that she'll be a Christmas baby though.
The Parents-to-be |
Me with my Girls |

I'm so happy for them!
Monday was back to the grind at work.
How was everyone elses weekend?
I hope it was great!

Friday, November 11, 2011
Fun Fact Friday - Obsession
Hello Friends!
This weeks fun fact is about an obsession of mine...I'm obsessed with scarves!
Scarfs for any season! For some reason I just can't help myself.
I have 18fall/winter scarves, and 12 spring/summer scarves....I think that qualifies as an obsession. lol
I love the pizzaz that a scarf can add to an outfit. Some people accessorize with jewelry (I usually stick to the same thing daily) but my accessory is a nice scarf.
I'm not sure when it began....I guess high school...I just all of a sudden loved to wear them- they are just so cozy.
Do you guys have any obsessions?
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I'm excited for my dear friends baby shower on Sunday!
This weeks fun fact is about an obsession of mine...I'm obsessed with scarves!
Scarfs for any season! For some reason I just can't help myself.
I have 18fall/winter scarves, and 12 spring/summer scarves....I think that qualifies as an obsession. lol
I love the pizzaz that a scarf can add to an outfit. Some people accessorize with jewelry (I usually stick to the same thing daily) but my accessory is a nice scarf.
I'm not sure when it began....I guess high school...I just all of a sudden loved to wear them- they are just so cozy.
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I'm excited for my dear friends baby shower on Sunday!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thankful Thursday
Hello Lovelies!
Today I'm thankful that I was able to buy two pairs of prescription glasses for under $40!
It's so great to not have to spend hundreds on glasses.
Last year Kara had told me about this great website:
I just placed my second order today.
They have a HUGE assortment of glasses to choose from with a price range from $6.95-$46.95. They also have all sorts of options for tint color. All you need is your prescription from your optometrist!
These are the ones I bought:
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I had these before, but I'm a klutz and broke them- so I bought new ones |
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love the color of these, and they have little gems on the sides |
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I didn't buy these YET, but they are on my wish list lol |
Hopefully this will save some of you some money too!
*Added Plus: Tomorrow is FRIDAY! woohoo!
*Added Plus: Tomorrow is FRIDAY! woohoo!
Have a great night~
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